Namaste Sindhupalchowk

Ward No. 2, Shera

Shera falls under Sindhupalchok, Chautara Sangachok Gadhi Municipality Ward No. 2. This ward was created by combining Ward No. 1-5 of the former Batase Village Development Committee. The total area of ​​this ward is 11.61 square kilometres.
To the east of Shera is Jalbire and to the west is Batase. Jugal rural municipality is in the north and Kuvinde is in the south.

Brahmins, Chhetri, Tamang and other communities live in the Shera. Commercial agriculture, animal husbandry, self-employment, jobs, and foreign employment are the main occupations of the people of this ward.

Total Area 11.61 sq km
Total Population 2541
Ward Chief Sudip Shrestha
Contact No. 9851337302