Namaste Sindhupalchowk

Ward No. 3, Batase

Batase is ward number three of Chautara Sangachowk Gadhi Municipality. The total area of ​​this ward is 10.52 square kilometres.

To the east of Batase, there is a Shera and to the west is Syaule. Similarly, there are Selang in the north and Chautara and Kubinde in the south. This ward is made up of Ward No. 6 - 9 of the former Batase Village Development Committee.

Batase is home to Brahmin, Chhetri, Tamang and others communities. People here are involved in commercial agriculture, animal husbandry, foreign employment, government jobs, etc.

This ward falls under Representative Assembly Constituency No. 1 and State Assembly Constituency No. 1 (B) of Sindhupalchowk.


  • Dakshinkali Secondary School
  • Setidevi Basic School
  • Rameshwari Basic School
  • Samajik Bikas Basic Schools etc.
Total Area 10.52 sq km
Total Population 2341
Ward Chief Tek Bahadur Tamang
Contact No. 9843572343
Postal Code 45308