Namaste Sindhupalchowk

Ward No. 6, Thangpaldhap

Thangpal Dhap falls under Panchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality ward number 6 of Sindhupalchok district. This ward is made up of all the wards of the former Thangpaldhap Village Development Committee. The total area of ​​this ward is 13 .77 square kilometers.

The eastern border of Thangpal Dhap is connected with Thangpalkot and Gunsa. And the western border is connected with the Indrawati river and Varuwa. The north and south of this ward, it is connected with Bhotang / Baruwa and Bhotenamlang respectively.

According to the household survey of 2074/75, the population of this ward is 5050. Out of which 2576 are male and 2474 are female. Most of the Tamang community lives in this ward. Apart from Tamang, Chhetri, Brahmins and other communities live there.

Main Settlements

  • Simpani, Dandatol, Tar, Mitrata Chowk, Syaule, Lapse, Adhikari gaun, Lekhark, Dhital gaun, Paudel Danda, Shera Fant, Amdurge, Arubote, Chinde, Thumki, Newar gaun, Bhattarai gaun, Gaihri gaun, Sunuwar gaun, Wick gaun, Chaur, Mude, etc.

Historic place

  • Jongrong Mahadevasthan, Lungadevi, Dakshinkali, Amilo Pani, Golmeshwari, etc.

Total Area 13.77 sq km
Total Population 5050 ( 2074/75 BS)
Contact No. 9864165366
Chair Person Narayan Bhattrai